Saturday, August 05, 2006

Back in Beijing and medical appointments

Hi there, we're back in Beijing. Yesterday was a very trying (and tiring) day but we are happy to report that Sophie is a good flyer. We left the Guangzhou hotel at around 3:30 for our 6:30 flight. It was quite an emotional trip out as we the realization hit that we were leaving Sophie's birth province. It seemed like only yesterday that we arrived and now we were leaving as a family of four. David led us in song (He sang leaving on a jet plane, and he's actually a pretty good singer - note to other groups - get David to sing for you!!!)

Unfortunately, we were still experiencing the remnants of the typhoon and the weather delayed our departure by about an hour. Therefore we didn't get into our hotel in Beijing until midnight and we were exhausted. A quick word about the typhoon. It made the front page of China Daily!!!. It made landfall about 100 km south of where we were (but later in the evening thankfully). It had gale force winds of 12 (don't know what that means but it was very strong) and 250,000 people were evacuated from the area. While the orphanage lost power, we do understand that they did not suffer any significant structural damage or flooding - as reported by the orphanage director that evening). Caroline was a real trooper on the drive home and on the plane the next day (as everyone who knows her can appreciate her dislike of turbulence. Luckily we did not have much turbulence on the flight).

After our late evening,we had to be up and in the hotel lobby for Sophie's visa photo at 7:15 am. We set the alarm but the battery must have fallen out. We looked at our watches in the morning and it was 7:30 (oops - so much for trying not to be late). Picture a dad who has thrown on a shirt and some shorts running down the hotel hallway with a baby mumbling "we have to get the picture or they won't let Sophie come to Canada" - very dignified (I sometimes wonder if the Chinese authorities might rethink our qualifications as parents :)

After the mad rush of the visa photo, it was off to the medical clinic for the mandatory medical exam. The clinic is located in the embassy section of town and is very modern (it's a western style clinic where you can get everything and anything without waiting (unlike Canada) but at a significant cost (unlike Canada). Sophie was seen by a Canadian doctor (from McGill). As expected, she is underweight but nothing that some good food won't fix.

Following our clinic visit we had a quick lunch then returned to complete some final paperwork (the Canadian immigration documents). We are so glad and thankful to have our wonderful guides (David and Frieda) to help us navigate the paperwork jungle. Finally, after the paperwork was completed we went for fittings (Chris got a suit and Caroline and Stephanie got beautiful silk dresses - don't worry we're getting other great presents for Sophie).

It has been a long day but this is the ast day with mandatory scheduled appointments. The rest of our time here is pretty much openalthough we do have some tours set up. Tomorrow we are heading out to the Great Wall (definitely a highlight of the trip). We'll see how out of shape daddy really is :). Later in the week, we'll visit the Summer Palace and Tiennamen Square and possibly the Beijing zoo. We also have shopping to do - yay.

We miss everyone at home and love reading your comments. Thanks.

Chris, Caroline, Stephanie and Sophie. Posted by Picasa